Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Another birthday past – except = 70

    Posted on February 11th, 2015 cwmoore No comments

    Since my last post I have turned 70 years old.  This momentous occasion was accompanied with little fanfare.  The very small party consisted of my sister, Lee, my wife and myself.  We had a good time.  The next evening Al & Carol, our South African friends, came over and we also had a good time with them.

    Here is what I wrote in another blog for 5 February: I awakened about 0530 this morning to the sounds of water and surging; therefore, I was on high alert listening for issues but a few minutes of listening produced no sounds worthy of alarm. However, I was awake and there was no turning back to sleep mode.  Now, I am writing  and slightly cold  as the heaters are not really keeping up with this size of boat. I have an estimated 3KW running and this is about 10K± BTU’s which is not sufficient to do more than take the chill off.  Still I am happy for this and am feeling like making some coffee on the stove to add a bit more heat.

    Today I awoke early and went down to the clubhouse.  Later back at the boat I mapped out the day to SAM.  I was going to the camper and clean up and move stuff from the car to the truck.  Also on the table was to get the truck out on the road and drive a few miles.  Upon return from the little jaunt SAM and I loaded the camper and re-organized.  We also put air in the tires and pumped up the air shocks.  She is sitting pretty now.

    Later we organized the boat and partitioned stuff to go to the “lock up”.  Still latter we lounged around the cockpit and watched the sun go down and the chill starting to creep into the bones.  Right now SAM is fixing the food and it smells great. This is the end of a beautiful day – full of sun, low winds and moderate mid-60’s temperatures.  Tomorrow looks to be a repeat of the same.