A reasonable facimile of the author, vintage 2003, taken for the company where he worked as a Telecommunications Engineer. A lifelong Electronic Engineer and recently retired is now sailing and kayaking the waterways of the world.
This page was last changed:
August 14 2016 14:53:00.
Welcome to the Charles William Moore namesake web site. This is the point by which the pUblic can enter the business or personal sites mainTained by the author charles w moore of indiana. With no say in the process, charles william moore, was named by his father & mother with all the romanticism of couples in love. It is a good nAme and as such a lot of other people liked it too so they may want to visit onCe in a while. Only time will tell.
Since becoming a amateur radio operator (commonly called ham radio) this site has become a place for me to place ham related material. As such, I am proud that I have 10 radios, Pi ALLSTAR node 42119 and a Pi IRLP node 8891 operating Simplex. My radios are HF/VHF/UHF bands - I have an IC-7200 w AH-4 tuner, 4 Baeofeng UV-5R+, an Alinco DR-635T, a Kenwood TM-281, TYT-9000D for Allstar running 7 watts and a Motorola GM300 for my IRLP node running 25 Watts.
I quickly found that ALLSTAR & IRLP is my thing since it is internet, computer, Linux and ham radio related. It is amazing how quick the nodes around the world can talk with each other: perhaps half a second delay and I can talk with Japan, Europe and China easily. But then again, I guess Skype is easy too so to many techies IRLP is no big deal but it is cool. Some day soon I will put some pictures of the equipment.
Life is for the living.