Good Friday
Posted on March 21st, 2008 No commentsI worked in the home office this Good Friday writing Special Provisions for a project in Indiana. I developed a foundation for the SP in the morning and then developed iit further in the afternoon. I want to finish tonight as the team lead is working tomorrow to finalize the document.
During the lunch hour(s) I went to Good Friday services at our church in Angola. It started snowing quite hard and when I left to go home there was about an inch of snow onthe ground. NOAA says we can expect 4 – 8 inches of the white stuff tonight.
SAM has a cold that has settled in the chest. It sounds horrible but I doubt that this will stop our trip to see my brother. As a matter of fact SAM was a bit miffed this morning when I mentioned a 1500 hr departure for the 3 hour trip.
I am going to take my computer and GPS unit tomorrow because my brother moved to a new house – a downsized one that is twice as big as the last one. I guess there will be no trawler or houseboat on the river after all.
We aare starting to think of launch time for our boat. Last year I moved on the boat the first week of May and had to use the heater a few times before it got warm. I am thinking of about the same time this year. With the economy in the dumps I guess I will have to wait to sell it for some time to come.
Check out this site. Space pictures from NASA. http://www.texasjim.com/NASApix/NASA%20pix.htm