Sad News
Posted on March 7th, 2008 No commentsWe received word via email today that Phil’s daughter died last night as a result of an automobile accident last Saturday. She was 17 and a senior. Our prayers go out to Phil and his family.
Disaster (almost)
Posted on March 4th, 2008 No commentsI was cleaning up PLUM tonight and deleted two files full of PHP. The Calendar stopped working and I gulped a big time. What did I do now? a quick search in the webpage revealed a “require” for a PHP file that I deleted. Removed the reference and problem solved. Whew!
Working on a website for a couple in Germany, I was re-introduced to Paint Shop Pro (man I loved those guys before they became Corel). Not really PSP but the bundled software Animation Shop 3 (Corel now sells this as a separate $40 box). Anyway I generated a few animations for them to see what they preferred. It was fun! I forgot all about animations. Couple that with Adobe Flash and I forgot about gif’s. Now I get to play again – trouble is it takes way too much time to generate a several page animation.
Had stuffed veggie grape leaves tonight with a Greek Salad for $8. I do not think I will return as it is too expensive for what you get. I Detroit the same food is double what you get here.
Romans 1-16
Posted on March 3rd, 2008 No commentsOn the way from PL to GR I listened to Romans 1-16. It uses simple language in a complicated way. I am not sure I like to concentrate that hard while driving. Some things are pretty clear about what are sinful acts and included in the set are the basic 10 commandments. Saul of Tarsus took his share of knocks and I would not liked to be in his sandals.
Work today was slow and I told the boss I needed something to do. Hopefully he will scare something up in the next week or I will be furloughed. I was sort of hoping to go to the end of April or even June but it might not be possible.
Tonight it was dinner at Russ and then B&N until 0830. I ate a peanut butter cookie at B&N with tall decaf and I still have an acid stomach. I cruised through a book on paddling Michigan rivers: you could spend many years paddling most of the rivers. I’ll try picking it up on Amazon.
Hope I sleep good tonight as this weekend was not a fun one with some tough decisions to be made. One does not do well with lack of sleep and trying to think clearly.
Working on a website
Posted on March 1st, 2008 No commentsI have been working on www.plumchurch.org for several years now. It was , in fact, my first website I ever wrote. It looks like it too. I expected a lot of comments from the parishioners but that never came in and the site did not go much of anywhere. It resided on my personal server.
A couple of months ago I needed a new home for the pages and with the help of a generous donor and new site was born. Same pages but different site that had a fixed IP. The new site allowed me to ditch dns2go which was costing $100/year for virtually nothing.
Now the new site has a WordPress Blog and a Google Calendar. These changes were necessitated by the demise of the all the Perl code I had in place for the blog and
Calendar. I like the Calendar function from Google. It is free and complete. The only rub is that you have to have a Google email address – one of those gmail things. Gmail is great too because I can use it with my Outlook mail client without going to the Google web page. You may be able to do the same thing with Yahoo but I never get any mail there.Go check out the new Calendar and Blog. Maybe we will work on the purple colors later but for now Royal Purple is the background – you must know the Purple Robe significance so Purple stays.