Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • My Man Mitch: State of the State

    Posted on January 13th, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    State of the State Address

    Governor Mitchell E. Daniels Jr.

    Fellow public servants and fellow citizens.  Together again! Thank you as always for the privilege of this assignment, and of this podium. 

    We gather annually to review the state of our state, but rarely at a time of such national and even international alarm.  For Indiana, tonight is of course a night for facing difficulties, but doing so with confidence, and even pride.

    I awake every day glad for many reasons that I am a Hoosier.  And though we meet tonight in an hour of great stress, we have cause if not for gladness then at least for relief, that it is in Indiana we are meeting……….(for more click the hyperlink below).


  • Week 2: Real Cold!

    Posted on January 13th, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    2009 Week 2