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Monday 12 February 2018: St Augustine
Posted on February 12th, 2018 No commentsI spent most of this quality day at malls. SAM wanted to go and I said yes. Maybe a mistake and 5 hours later we were finished and got back to the RV’s HQ. I learned several things.
Earlier, six RV’s left the park. Wow, we are deserted and it is open to new users. We have another month of learning new things before we head back north.
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Saturday 10 February: No Hamcation this year
Posted on February 10th, 2018 No commentsIt is official, there will be no Hamcation in Orlando for SAM n I. I took a shower, went to bed and 11 and allready to get up at 0630 and head to Orlando (a 2.5 hr drive). Well, I woke up at 0300 and could not get back to sleep and I was having some complications from the UTI so at 0600 I decided not to go this year. The main reason I was going was to see the 9050 crew at the “block house” and since I would be driving for 6 hours for a 3 hour stint at the show I just gave up and went back to sleep until 0900.
In previous days we were not too active and more or less just stayed around the RV. I did not have too much extra energy and did not feel good Thursday. On Friday I passed the stone so I took i into the doctors office for analysis and we returned some items to Lowes that we did not use for the shower repair. After that SAM wanted to go to Aldi’s for some ribs that she saw on sale. On the way home we stopped at a couple of garage sales but saw nothing to buy. That ended another boring day.
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Wednesday 2/7/2018: Media
Posted on February 7th, 2018 No commentsToo bad this is not a little more sharp as it pretty well describes the playing field. Today was 80° and started bright and clear but now, as I write, it is overcast. All the windows are open with the fans on and it is slowly cooling down from an inside temperature of 85.
This afternoon SAM and I went to Lowes to get some Peel & Stick Caulk for the shower that has been dripping on the floor, slowly drop by drop. From there it was over to the church to pick up a package and back to the RV.
I took a short nap, drank a couple of glasses of iced tea and am finishing the books on CD of “Rules of Civility”. Quite good with excellent English, plays on words and a good plot. Much better than I thought I would.
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Tuesday 6 February 2018: Up early before sunrise
Posted on February 6th, 2018 No commentsTo
day I awoke early before sunrise. I knew I had to take this new medicine, an antibiotic, that I had never used before so I wanted to start bringing it into my schedule. To take this medicine you have to take food to avoid stomach upset, so that meant fixing breakfast early. After I took the medicine it was too late to go back to sleep so here I am now writing on this blog and cruising the net. The sun is streaming into the RV.
I found a good article on LinkedIn about blockchain. The link to the article is HERE but I do not know how long the link will be viable. I also copied a great earth-node-blue picture from the article and include it here.
Right now I am making coffee, that I should not drink, because it is such a habit to have it after breakfast. Coffee irritates the bladder and I have one that does not need any more irritation. So, even though I have made 6 cups I will drink just a little out of respect for my coffee habit. I may add more later but if I do not then cheers.
Addendum: Noon came and went. So did SAM to the laundry and other places. I took a nap, fueled by the antibiotics and kidney relaxers (to try and let the stone pass more easily) and awoke about 1530 hrs. I then re-engaged my quest of looking up Youtube videos of all things Winegart Sensar. I learned a lot so it was a 4 hours well spent. Later I ordered a log periodic extension to the Sensar that boosts the gain by 3-6 dB. This might allow a bit better reception of the two or three fringe stations we have problems with.
The big gain was the maintenance items. The movements is getting a bit stiff and might break something if it gets tighter. The big takeaway is to NOT use grease or any other lube except Silicone or silicon spray. Petroleum products degrade the worm screw. Night.
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Monday 5 February 2018: Happy Birthday
Posted on February 5th, 2018 No commentsOK, it is my birthday and one more time successfully around the sun. I am happy to be here for the event. Today was Doctor Day too. I have been having some medical issues that need to be addressed. It seems like I have a UTI so I was started on an antibiotic called Nitrofurantoin and also some kidney stones have become problematic. That means yet another drug to help pass the stone.
SAM said she wanted to go to a Seafood place for my birthday. I was game but it turned out that Corkey Bells is better but we tried anyway. Last chance for the top rated restaurant. Back to CB’s for us. I had stuffed Flounder and SAM had fried Pollack.
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Sunday 4 February 2018: A overcast with promises of rain
Posted on February 4th, 2018 No commentsThis morning it is overcast, no sun and alto-stratus clouds. The forecast for today is 100% rain, heavy at times, expected to last for hours. I am writing this just before we get ready for church. SAM is still lounging in bed. I made oatmeal and coffee for breakfast and took my usual pills, less the Eliquis, so the day has officially started. I will add to this as the day progresses.
Yep, it is all red, yellow and green on the radar map and ran is coming down. It started just after we left First Assembly in Fleming Island. When we arrived back at the house I found out my new Facebook account had locked me out too. For sure something is messing with the account. I probably will not be trying anymore to deal with them. My love affair with Facebook disappeared last year about election time as I could easily see it was a propaganda tool used that way by everyone. It is an evil tool used by the Devil and that is for sure.
With the rain drumming on the RV roof, we are listening to TV and sort of waiting for the Superbowl.
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Saturday 3 February 2018: Long Sleeve Shirt Sun
Posted on February 3rd, 2018 No commentsThe wind today made the weather cool but otherwise quite nice. In the afternoon we went to Lowes to try and find a sealer for the shower. What I had in mind was buytl tape. No luck at Lowes or Home Depot: I could not believe it. I then tried my reliable ACE Hardware in Green Cove Springs and again no joy. We returned to the RV with tails between our legs. What a total bummer.
When I awoke in the morning the smartphone was chiming and I reluctantly arose to shut the alarm off. It was 0703 so I started a pot of coffee and the oatmeal. By 0800 I was finished with breakfast,took a shower and shaved. I finished around 0835and made final preparations for a 0840 departure to First Assembly to attend the “men’s” Breakfast. Wow, what a spread – Scrambled eggs, wonderful bacon, sausage, maple toast and potatoes. They also had gravy and biscuits but I never eat them for some reason that is lost to ancient ages. Phil and Gene, et.al. did good today. The speaker was great an was a Chaplain of Jail Ministries – how animated and dynamic he was – and I shall never forget this delivery.
That pretty much finishes the day except for the running of the RV generator for an hour. SAM made a very tasty supper and it was appreciated. Moore later friends.
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Tuesday 30 January 2018: Hamcation Plans
Posted on January 29th, 2018 No commentsWe were disappointed that we could not get into the KOA RV Park in Deland/St. Johns area. Then we tried the Elks in Deland but they are in only on Wed, Th & Friday. As a result SAM said why don’t we just stay where we are and save the $35/day? So I think this is the new plan and we will travel out on the 7th to Apopka Orange Blossom KOA for the 7th -12th.
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Monday 29 January 2018: Whimsical Morning
Posted on January 29th, 2018 No commentsI cdnuolt blveiee
taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
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Sunday 28 January 2018: overcast, intermittent rain, warm
Posted on January 28th, 2018 No commentsWe went to the the Elks last night for Fish & Shrimp for me and X2 Fish for SAM. When I got back to the RV I was hyped up and could not relax. This continued all night and was probably related to an allergy but by 0500 I finally went to sleep. We did not go to church as we did not want to play Russian Roulette with the bullet being the Flu. We already lost one classmate this year. I also had a frightening experience with some type ruptured blood vessel so that kept me up too.
This morning it was breakfast as usual and tea instead of coffee. SAM slept late and made some coffee when she arose. I had a drop or two. I spent my morning planning our move to the Orlando Hamvention. Right now we are planning on heading to a KOA near Deland on 44 for a few days and then on to the KOA on Orange Blossom NW of Apopka until the 12th of Feb. After that we are open until Feb 27 when we plan on attending the Steuben County Florida Reunion in Sebring. We may go to Bradenton/Ruskin area for a couple weeks after the Hamvention. The rest of the winter is wide open.
At the moment we are listening to a book on CD. It is called “The Rules of Civility” and almost everyone needs a good dose of that! Cheers.
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